
Enka(演歌), a male singer and an American singer

I introduced a female Enka singer in previous entry. Let me introduce a male Enka singer and an American Enka singer to you. One is Yamamoto Jyouji(山本譲二). He is a famous Japanese Enka singer. I like his Enka song 「みちのく一人旅(mitinokuhitoritabi)」. This song is sung about a beloved woman. Another one is Jero. He is a first-ever non-Japanese Enka singer. He was born of African-American parents in 1981 and grew up in Pittsburgh. Jero has a quarter Japanese lineage because his grandmother on his mother's side is Japanese. He has listened to Enka since  childhood under his grandmother's influence, so he likes Enka and singing Enka.
He went on to Pittsburgh University and made a special study of infotech and he studied in Japan for three month. He decided to become an Enka singer while studying in Japan. He came back Japan in 2003 after graduating from the university, and he entered Japanese song contests while working as an English conversation teacher and as a computer engineer. After that, he was recruited by a Japanese major music company because his singing voice was appraised. His dream came true. He sings Enka very well like Japanese singer and he is a very unique Enka singer not only because he isnot Japanese but also another reason. The reason is that he is a hip-hop dancer. Hip-hop and Enka are very different, aren't they? He sings Enka hip-hop style. It is very interesting.


Enka(演歌)、a female singer

Do you know Enka( 演歌 )? I will introduce Enka. Enka is a Japanese characteristic song. The songs are amenity songs which basad on Japanese original feelings or emotions. Words of the songs have often the content about sea, alcohol, tears, woman, rain, northland, snow, farewell. And Enka singers represent wistful love between a man and a woman through these phrase to sing Enka.
This time I will introduce a female Enka singer, she is Ishikawa Sayuri(石川さゆり). My favorite her song is Tsugarukaikyoufuyugeshiki(津軽海峡冬景色). Tsugarukaikyou(津軽海峡) is a narrow between Hottsukaidou(北海道) and the isiand of Honsyu(本州). Fuyugeshiki(冬景色) is winter landscape. This song represents a farewell between a man and woman at Tsugalkaykyou in winter.

 She sang this song on kimono(着物)after several years.


Wadaico (和太鼓), a Japanese traditional instrument

I introduced one festival (ねぶた祭り) and one dance (阿波踊り) before. And Japanese traditional music was played there. Especially I think you could hear the sound of wadaico (和太鼓). Wadaico is Japanese traditional drum. There are some Japanese traditinol instruments but wadaico is most famous and popular instrument in Japan. The other traditional instruments are koto(琴)、 shyakuhachi (尺八)、shou (鉦)、etc. Koto is like laid harp, shyakuhachi is like recorder, shou is like triangle.
The size of wadaico is various from big to small, and the playing style is also various from many player to one. The playing style by many people has a beautiful harmony, and the playing style by one person has strong sound.


Awaodori (阿波踊り) , a Japanese traditional dance

I will introduce Awaodori (阿波踊り) this time. Awaodori is a Japanese traditional dance which people walk street with dancing. This is danced on summer in Tokushima prefecture (徳島県) of Shikoku (四国). This dance have a history of four hundreds years. Pepple danced with duple sound which is played by drums and recoders, etc. And People danced with saying 「えらいやっちゃ、えらいやっちゃ、ヨイヨイヨイヨイ、踊る阿呆に見る阿呆、同じ阿呆なら踊らな損々…」 or phrase like 「Yattsutosa-yattsutosa(ヤットサーヤットサー)」. This meaning is that 「It's crisis. It's crisis. Dancing fool, watching fool. Both are the same fool, so why don't you dance?」. In short, dance crazy with no worry. It is really funny dance.


Touhoku area (東北地方)

I will introduce the prefectures of Touhoku area. Touhoku area is constituted of the six prefectures which are Aomori(青森), Akita(秋田), Iwate(岩手), Yamagata(山形), Miyagi(宮城), Fukushima(福島). There is the Seikan tunnel(青函トンネル) which is a railway tunnel between Aomori and Hokkaido. Its total length is about 57km. It is like the Channel tunnel of Europe.
And Aomori have a very famous festa called Nebutamaturi(ねぶた祭り). People parade with very big dolls called Dashi(山車) on the street. This festa is very beautiful and exuberant. Many people visit this festa in summer. And Aomori is No.1 perfecture in Japan on a yield of apples. Akita perfecture is production area of rices. The rices producted in Akita are famous for deliciousness.



  Hokkaido is the northernmost big island in Japan. The area is about the same size of Iceland. Avarage temperature of the area in winter is about -6℃. It is very cold, isn't it? One of the aspects of Hokkaido is delicious foods like fishes of salmon, sea egg, salmon roe, and crops of potato, asparagus.
The nature in the north area of Hokkaido is beautiful. There are many national nature park there and range wild animals like bear , fox, crane, etc. One of the specialty of the sightseeing in Hokkaido is to see Japanese cranes in winter. The cranes range the north area of Hokkaido and many tourists visit there to see them. The cranes are national nature treasure of Japan. The courting dance and call of the cranes are very beautiful.




I will introduce a short story to Lang-8 friends who are studying Japanese. It is 「トロッコ(handcar)」. This short story was written by Mr. Akutagawa Ryuunosuke(芥川 龍之介) in 1922. He is one of the most loved and admired authors in Japan. 「芥川賞」 which is the greatest literary award in Japan was set up in admiration for him. Please read it. If you had unknown kanjis, words and ungraspable sentences, ask me. I will answer as far as possible.

「この野郎! 誰にことわってトロにさわった?」


I will introduce a Hiragana song

When I have unknown English words during studying English, I check it in a dictionary during remembering the ABC song. The melody of this song is "Twincle, twincle, little star", isn't it? It is endearing melody and I can retain alphabets more easier by this ABC song. By the way, how do you retain Japanese syllabary characters[Hiragana(ひらがな)]? Do you want to retain Hiragana by a song? If so, there is good one. I will introduce the song. I like it. Please listen to it.


あいうえ お星様(ほしさま)
かきくけ 今夜(こんや)
さしすせ 空(そら)を
たちつて 飛(と)ぶよ
なにぬね 野原(のはら)に
はひふへ 蛍(ほたる)
まみむめ もうすぐ
やゆ 夜(よる)が来(く)る

あいうえ お月様(つきさま)
かきくけ 今夜
さしすせ 空の
たちつて 遠(とお)く
なにぬね 野山(のやま)は
はひふへ ほのか
まみむめ もうすぐ
やゆ 夜が来る


Japanese sometime feel the four seasons by sounds

Japanese sometimes feel the four seasons by the sounds. In spring, the birdsongs at early morning are representative. The birdsongs which they feel like rejoicing at coming of spring on early morning are wonderful. In summer, the sound which the cicadas are droning is representative. Japanese famous haiku poet wrote a poem like the next one, 「Shizukesaya iwanishimiiru seminokoe (閑けさや 岩に染み入る 蝉の声)」. I think it is described in English like 「The calmness, it is merging into the rock, the drone of cicadas.」. I think it means that the drone of cicadas are merging into the rock in the calmness , but the cicadas droning hard will be dead in this summer. I think this haiku[(俳句)Japanese poet] is written about what the life is transient and the calmness in the place. In autumn, I guess it is the song of insects like Suzumushi(鈴虫). In winter, It seems to be the sounds of snowing. You may say that there aren't the sounds of snowing, but Japanese describe the sounds of snowing like shinshin(しんしん) . Do you feel the four seasons by the sounds?


Japanese fun in winter

There are games we play during Oshyogatsu(お正月). They are some of the fun things we do in Japan  in the winter. Oshyogatsu means originally the first month of a year, January in sum, but most Japanese are thinking that it is only January 1th, 2th, 3th. Oshyogatsu is the day in which the new year is celebrated , but Japanese treat Oshyogatu as the first three days in January. I think that the reasons which Japanese have these ideas is to be tired of continuing the significiant days and to be less thankful for long significiant days.
There are  games we play during Oshyogatsu like Takoage[凧揚げ(kite)], Komamawashi[こま回し(spinning top), Karuta[かるた(japanese cards)], Fukuwarai(福笑い), etc. Fukuwarai is a game that we enjoy making a funny face. It is played by blindfolding a person and having that person drop parts of the face, such as the mouth, nose, eyes, etc, onto an outline of the face of Japanese traditional character Otafuku(阿多福).



Japanese fun in autumn

 One of fun thihgs Japanese do in autumn is to hear songs of insects like Suzumushi(鈴虫), it's Homoeogryllus japonicus. Japanese feel that autumn came along and it got cool when we heard it at nightDo people of your country enjoy hearing the songs of insects?You may only feel that it is just loud.
  And there is the day of Otukimi(お月見), this is to enjoy looking at the full moon at night in September. Japanese call autumn's nights Akinoyonaga(秋の夜長), this word means that night is long. The culture of enjoying Akinoyonaga are the songs of Suzumushi and looking at the full moon at night.


Japanese fun in summer

    There are festivals and fireworks which are one of the ways Japanese have fun in summer. At summer festivals called Natsumatsuri(夏祭り), Japanese dance the Bonodori[a Japanese traditional dance(盆踊り)] at parks, where many outdoor stalls are set up. On summer nights, we go to the riverside in Yukata [Japanese traditional clothes (浴衣)] and view a lot of big aerial fireworks. There are also small fireworks, which are set off with excitement at neighbors' park and in front of their houses with their family and their friends.





Japanese fun in spring

  One of Japan's fun events in spring is to see Japanese cherry, Sakura(桜). Sakura are the most loved trees in Japanese. I like them, too. April in Japan is the time of entrance ceremonies' moment for schools. At that time, Sakura are in full bloom. It uprears Japanese moods with expectations for new school year and meeting new friends. And there is Hanami(花見), where people drink together and watch the fully blooming  Sakura. The dancing flower petals of Sakura are very beautiful.




The Climate of Japan

   Today I will talk about the climate of Japan. Spring in Japan is cozy, its average temperrature is about 15℃. Baiu(梅雨) is characteristic climate of Japan from June to July. Baiu is the rainy season caused by      Baiuzensen(梅雨前線), a seasonal rain front that causes frequentry, heavy rain during June and July. 
  Summer in Japan is hot and humid like a  tropical rain forest. Autumn in Japan is cozy, too. Winter is dry, and in the  Hokkaido(北海道) and Touhoku(東北) areas, there are plenty snow, It sometimes snows in the other areas of Japan without Kyushu(九州) and Okinawa(沖縄). Well, because the Japanease islands are long and vertical, the difference between climates in each area is big. So far, I have written in this article about the climate in Tokyo.